Our breeding ethics
Our adults and our puppies:
No kennel at home! All our dogs live with us.
For practical reasons they have their own garden and their "room". The puppies are separated by a partition so that they have their own little space.
Every evening it's TV in the living room with us for everyone,
we take them out of our home to see friends or family at least 3 times a week alone or in pairs.
We regularly go for walks with them (several times a week) in summer and winter, rain, wind and especially when it snows!
We personally ensure their individual and collective well-being. We do regular games with them, cuddle and obedience sessions.
We attend dog clubs in order to continually have an outside point of view on the education and behavior of our dogs.
This is how we obtain healthy and healthy dogs, who we can take everywhere with us and, above all, sociable.
The puppies:
Our puppies are born in the heart of the house, in the main room so we can keep an eye on them.
We weigh them daily to check their health and we handle them daily.
When they start walking we move them to a part of the dogs' "room" specially designed for them.
In this place they will begin to learn cleanliness and safely discover shapes, colors, textures and noises thanks to a radio and educational games.
In this place they will begin to learn cleanliness and safely discover shapes, colors, textures and noises thanks to a radio and educational games.
Every day we take care of each puppy individually like the big ones!
They have the right to come and go everywhere in the house in order to educate them not to chew the cables or the furniture.
As soon as age allows, we start outings in the garden, short walks, individual or group outings outside the house.
As soon as they are old enough we begin to introduce them to the shower and to the situations that they will find in their future family (Car, walking on a leash, prohibition of certain rooms, etc.) through play so that they are perfectly used to it and calm when they go to their future family.
We place great importance on the awakening of our babies as well as their socialization and well-being.
Our selection:
First of all, we are committed to only producing dogs with an inbreeding rate of less than 1% over 6 generations. The reason is that we favor the well-being and health of our babies before beauty, often resulting in the hypertype.
All our breeders are tested for APR, AOC, HSF4-A, MDR1, Eye Defects as well as Hip and Elbow Dysplasia and have a balanced character.
We make our crosses using these results and ask our external stallions for the same tests. Of course we also look at the morphology of the breeders and their genealogy in order to make dogs in the Standard and harmonious.
We control the cause of death in the pedigrees when this is available in order to exclude lines presenting many epileptic subjects.